Quick Start

# install dependencies
#install pkg-config first so e.g. libprotobuf installs its .pc files
sudo apt-get install pkg-config && \
sudo apt-get install \
 build-essential flex bison libelf-dev \
 automake autoconf autotools-dev m4 libtool \
 zlib1g-dev doxygen texinfo protobuf-compiler \
 libprotobuf-dev libfftw3-dev

# check out git repos
git clone https://github.com/rigelproject/rigel.git && \
cd rigel && \
git clone https://github.com/rigelproject/rigel-codegen.git codegen && \
git clone https://github.com/rigelproject/rigel-sim.git sim && \
git clone https://github.com/rigelproject/rigel-targetcode.git targetcode

# run install script

# everything is built and installed now.
# all binaries, headers, and libraries that run on the host are in $RIGEL_INSTALL/host/{bin,include,lib}
# all binaries, headers, and libraries that run on Rigel itself are in $RIGEL_INSTALL/target/{bin,include,lib}

# set environment variables
# the install script should take care of these during the install, but for
# future shells you will want to source these or add to ~/.bashrc or similar
source ./scripts/bash/setvars.sh
source ./scripts/bash/rigel.bashrc

# run simulator unit tests
cd $RIGEL_SIM/rigel-sim/test
make test

# run stencil benchmark on 2 8-core clusters

cd $RIGEL_TARGETCODE/src/benchmarks/stencil
echo "4 inputs/34.in 2 1 0 1 1 1 1" | $RIGEL_INSTALL/host/bin/rigelsim -clusters 2 stencil.tasks

cd $RIGEL_TARGETCODE/src/benchmarks/fft

# For the impatient:
# Run and verify a 128x128 complex FFT on one 8-core cluster
./check_fft.sh 128 128 1 1

# For the *very* patient (this may take a couple hours)
# Run and verify a 1024x1024 complex FFT on 1024 cores
./check_fft.sh 1024 1024 16 8

See the 'Source' page for more information on the structure of the repositories.