
  • Host: The machine running the Rigel simulator or compiler toolchain
  • Target: The simulated Rigel system itself


The Rigel compilation toolchain is based on Clang 2.8, LLVM 2.8, and GNU Binutils 2.18.

The sequence of tools used to compile a C program to an executable binary is shown in the figure below.

Rigel Compilation Toolchain

  • The clang binary is used as a compiler driver; that is, it automatically invokes a sequence of other tools for parsing, compiling, optimizing, assembling, and linking.
  • clang is used as a cross-compiler by passing the argument -ccc-host-triple rigel-unknown-unknown.
  • For the rigel-unknown-unknown target, clang will call out to GNU as and GNU ld (with binaries named rigelas and rigelld to distinguish them from the system versions) for assembly and linking.
  • clang itself performs source preprocessing, parsing, and semantic analysis, and lowers the generated AST to LLVM's SSA-based IR.
  • You can tell clang to only preprocess a file by passing -E, or only preprocess, parse, and analyze by passing -fsyntax-only.
  • Like other compiler drivers, clang can compile to an object file with -c, or emit assembly code with -S.
  • clang can also emit bitcode or textual versions of the LLVM IR by passing -c -emit-llvm or -S -emit-llvm respectively.
  • To emit completely unoptimized IR, use something like clang -S -emit-llvm -mllvm -disable-llvm-optzns foo.c -o foo.ll.
  • For other flags, see the User Manual, keeping in mind that we are using version 2.8 and may not support some features listed.

File Extensions

  • Rigel object code files have the extension .ro as opposed to the usual .o to avoid confusion with host object files.
  • Static libraries have the usual extension, .a.
  • When dynamic linking support is added, shared libraries will have the usual extension, .so.
  • Due to a historical artifact, our convention is to give target executables the extension .tasks.


$RIGEL_TARGETCODE/src/Makefile.common has a set of flags that mostly automate the process of compiling C code for Rigel. $RIGEL_TARGETCODE/src/benchmarks and $RIGEL_TARGETCODE/src/testing have additional Makefile scaffolding that minimizes the amount of boilerplate required for individual benchmarks or test codes. For example, here we compile and run the complex test code.

mrj10@mjlap:~/rigel$ cd $RIGEL_TARGETCODE/src/testing/complex
mrj10@mjlap:~/rigel/targetcode/src/testing/complex$ cat Makefile 
SOURCES_C = complex.c


include ../Makefile.common
mrj10@mjlap:~/rigel/targetcode/src/testing/complex$ cat complex.c
//conversion of a real number from its Cartesian to polar form

#include <stdio.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include "rigel.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
  if(RigelGetThreadNum() == 0) {
    double complex z = -4.4 + 3.3 * I;
    double radius = cabs(z);
    double argument = carg(z);

    double x = creal(z);
    double y = cimag(z);

  return 0;
mrj10@mjlap:~/rigel/targetcode/src/testing/complex$ make
/home/mrj10/rigel/install/host/bin/clang -ccc-host-triple rigel-unknown-unknown  -Qunused-arguments -nostdinc -I/home/mrj10/rigel/install/host/lib/clang/2.8/include -I. -I/home/mrj10/rigel/install/target/include -I/home/mrj10/rigel/sim/rigel-sim//includes -DLLVM28 -DRIGEL -O3 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer  -D"CLUSTER_LOCAL_TQ" -DINNER_LOOP_C      -Wall -c complex.c -o

/home/mrj10/rigel/install/host/bin/clang -ccc-host-triple rigel-unknown-unknown  -Qunused-arguments -nostdinc -I/home/mrj10/rigel/install/host/lib/clang/2.8/include -I. -I/home/mrj10/rigel/install/target/include -I/home/mrj10/rigel/sim/rigel-sim//includes -DLLVM28 -DRIGEL -O3 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer  -D"CLUSTER_LOCAL_TQ" -DINNER_LOOP_C      -Wall   -Xlinker "--oformat=elf32-bigmips" -Xlinker "-T/home/mrj10/rigel/install/target/lib/linker/rigel.ld"  -static -lm -lpar -lm -o complex.tasks

/home/mrj10/rigel/install/host/bin/rigelobjdump -d -mmipsrigel32 complex.tasks >complex.obj
mrj10@mjlap:~/rigel/targetcode/src/testing/complex$ $RIGEL_INSTALL/host/bin/rigelsim complex.tasks
RigelSim Compiled by mrj10 on Feb 26 2012 at 15:10:55 from Git commit:
cartesian(x,y):(-4.4, 3.3)
polar(r,theta):( 5.5, 2.5)
core 0 (local 0) thread 0 halting @ cycle 93708, PC 0x00000068
Simulation exiting.  Reason: System-wide halt

Under the Hood

clang has a couple useful options to debug interactions between the components of the compilation flow.

  • -v toggles verbose mode, which prints all subtool invocations to the screen so you can verify their correctness or try them yourself.
  • -save-temps saves the temporary .i, .s, and .ro files it creates en route to a .tasks binary.